(+27) 087 255 4216> info@capehearingaids.co.za Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00, Sat & Sun - CLOSED


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Digital strategy

Noster postulant consetetur ut, liberer me tantas quaeque.

User experience

Pro debitis verterem scrip serit cu, sint magna latine ne vix.


Ex verterem interpretaris este, duote omnesque scripserit.

Corporate style

Solum homero has an, hinc atomor dipscing te pro.

User interface

Insolens theophrastus ea nec, choro ancillae tincidunt.

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Ubique voluptua qualisque eivimmes, esse error ius.

The JOY of awesome hearing.

The importance of hearing in everyday life is profound. Not only is it vital in maintaining brain health, but the ability to hear affects our relationships, career, personal safety, ability to learn and all-round happiness.
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We're HEAR for you!

Hearing the beautiful sounds of nature, dogs barking, family and friends laughing, melodic music and words of love simply elevates life into the realm of pure pleasure. It literally grounds us to the world.

Problem is, often people may not want to admit they have trouble hearing. But these days, modern hearing aids are so discreet – nobody would be any the wiser. What’s more, you can continue to tap every ounce of delight out of life with good hearing.

Because hearing is pivotal in our lives, it’s recommended to add hearing screening to your annual medical check-up. Call us today for your free hearing screening. Our caring audiologists are ready to guide you every step of the way.
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The joy of good hearing

The importance of hearing in everyday life is profound. Not only is it vital in maintaining brain health, but the ability to hear affects our relationships, career, personal safety, ability to learn and all-round happiness.
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Popular Audiology Services

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lorem ante ios

Make the difference

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Enjoy your conversations.

Enjoy your conversations no matter where you are.

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of Signia AX by exploring the listening examples below. For the most accurate impression, we recommend using headphones.

Enjoy your conversations.

Enjoy your conversations no matter where you are.

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of Signia AX by exploring the listening examples below. For the most accurate impression, we recommend using headphones.

*Old Technology

What speech & music sounds like with older hearing aid devices.

Sounds appear mixed together, making it hard to discern speech clearly in immersive or quiet environments.

*New Technology

What speech & music sounds like with newer hearing aid devices.

Speech and background sounds are processed seperately for outstanding speech clarity in an immersive environment.

*Old Technology

What speech & music sounds like with older hearing aid devices.

Sounds appear mixed together, making it hard to discern speech clearly in immersive or quiet environments.

*New Technology

What speech & music sounds like with newer hearing aid devices.

Speech and background sounds are processed seperately for outstanding speech clarity in an immersive environment.

Latest blog posts

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Right things

At eam facilisi similique, semper labores ancillae cu eum. Eu tritani vocibus voluptatibus pri, eos cu nostrum maiestatis, nihil deserunt.
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Online sales

Ea sed sumo deseruisse, labitur per similique at. Usu at aliquip aperiri accusamus, nec molestiae ea, mel solum iisque repudiandae ea.
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Strategic plan

Et consulatu assueverit usu, ex vocibus salutatus pri, et sed repudiare neglegentur. Dolore explicari cu pro, vel trac.
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Contact us using the form below and we'll make sure an Audiologist reaches out.

    Ready to hear your best?

    Contact your local branch for more information.

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    Call:  (+27) 087 255 4216

    Visit:  125 Blaauwberg Rd, Table View, Cape Town, 7441

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